

We Buy and Sell New, Used, and Reconditioned Used Buick Rims

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Thank you for visiting StockWheels.com and know that whether you buy a single factory steel wheel or a set of factory original alloy rims you are being assisted by experts in the OEM wheel industry.

StockWheels.com is the place to buy OEM stock wheels and stock rims for your car, truck or SUV. Here at StockWheels.com, we buy factory wheels original take off as well as recondition your OEM rims and wheels to like new condition. When you want to buy original equipment wheels and rims, we will have what you need.

When buying from StockWheels.com, you will be getting a reconditioned wheel or clean factory take-off. You can rest assured that the like-new wheel you get from StockWheels.com will look great and will be straight and true.
The Tire Industry Association (TIA) California Tire Dealers Association Specialty Equipment Market Association (SEMA)