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July 7, 2016

When to Replace Your Tires

Not sure when you replace your tires? Here are some tips that will help you determine when your tires should be repaired or replaced.

Step 1:

Check your tires periodically for wear. We understand that you probably don't look at your tires very often, but it's a good habit to get into. If you look at them regularly, you will have an easier time discerning whether the tires are in good shape or if a problem is developing.

Step 2:

Recognize what's going on with your tire wear. Do any of your tires look like this? If yes, it's time to replace your tires.

Step 3:

Is the thread holding up? If you can stick a penny in between the tire tread and Lincoln's head is covered, your tires still have plenty of tread. However, if you stick the penny in between the tread and you can clearly see Lincoln's head, your tires need to be replaced.

Step 4:

Any signs of bubbling, cupping, or bulging in your tires? If yes, your tires are at risk of blowing out, and that's very dangerous. Do your best to avoid driving your Buick until you replace those bubbling, cupping, or bulging tires.

Step 5:

Look for nails or other debris stuck in your tires. Nails can cause a flat, but often it can be repaired. If your tires have any nails breaking the surface, get your flat tire fixed right away.

The Tire Industry Association (TIA) California Tire Dealers Association Specialty Equipment Market Association (SEMA)